Finnish Kuhmo Chamber Music in Paris, France

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The Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival and the Institut finlandais in Paris have been collaborating since 2000. For Kuhmo, the concert is a major opportunity to draw the attention of French travel agents and the media to the festival. Their collaboration starts with a concert at the Institute on May 10. On the programme will be music by Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt, Philippe Hersant, Leoš Janáček and Antonín Dvořák performed by familiar Kuhmo artists living in Paris.

Operating in the heart of Paris’s Quartier latin, the Institut finlandais seeks, by means of a varied programme of events, to promote familiarity with Finnish culture and science in France and to foster cooperation between the two countries. The Institute’s theme for this year is encountering the other. Appearing at the Cultural Centre this spring will, in addition to Kuhmo Chamber Music, be the Kivitasku contemporary dance company and Kaj Chydenius, alongside an exhibition of sculptures and paintings by Tapani Kokko.

The Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival will run this year in Kuhmo from July 10 to 23. The theme for 2011 is Metamorphoses.

Further info, Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, tel. +358 8 652 0936,
L’Institut finlandais, tel. +33 1 40 51 89 09,

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